

What is DuoLingo ?

DuoLingo is an english language assessment test which tests your proficiency in all the four modules namely Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

How is different from other tests ?

The unique feature of DuoLingo is that the test cam be taken from home or in fact anywhere.

On which device can I take Duolingo English test ?

The test can be taken only on a computer system or on a laptop. It cannot be taken on a mobile phone or a tablet. It is an in-camera exam , as the the webcam records you throughout the time you take the test.

However, certain environment conducive to taking the test and to proper recording of you taking the test must be maintained. Relevant guidelines are provided.

Duolingo Score Reports Who accept Duolingo English test ?

Duolingo English test is being accepted as an alternative to IELTS or PTE by many universities and colleges in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia. Even embassies accept the score when you go attend the visa interview.

Is Duolingo accepted for PR/ immigration?

Duolingo English test is not, nor will it ever be, accepted for PR by Canada or Australia or any country.

What is the fee for Duolingo English test?

The Duolingo English test is relatively very inexpensive as the test fee is just 49 USD, which comes to about 4000/-. When is the Duolingo English test result released? The Duolingo English test result is released within two days. You can send the score report to any number of academic bodies directly from the website without any fee.

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